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Types of guarantee, terms and support depending on whether you have purchased in india bangalore . Who repairs the smartphone? Who to contact?

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We spent a lot of money on our smartphone, okay, maybe not all, you can always take advantage of a bargain or pay it in installments with an operator, it seems that it hurts less. Even so, being left without him for a breakdown or breakage of a component is quite traumatic (but taking into account the number of hours that accompanies us at the end of the day).

Now, if you buy a vivo smartphone or a tablet, and unfortunately fails or breaks, what do we have to do ?. Obviously, if we do not know what could have happened to get that situation, we will have to throw away the guarantee , which is why we have it.

partner of Authorized vivo service center in whitefield reviewed a few months ago the importance of the guarantee and knowing what it is that covers us . To focus, you have to be clear and differentiate between the legal guarantee and the commercial guarantee.

What guarantees do we have?

The first, the legal guarantee, which as its own name indicates, is the one granted by the Law ( Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 ) and is 2 years from the moment in which the product (in our case a smartphone) is delivered to the consumer. Now, if the buyer and the seller agree, this can be less time, but never less than 1 year (anyway this scenario is unlikely).

Within those 2 years, we have to pay special to the first 6 months , during which time it is presumed that if a failure or damage appears in the terminal, it already existed when it was purchased and therefore the buyer is freed from guilt, and must be the seller who shows that it was not like that. Once these 6 months and up to 2 years have passed, a technician or expert must confirm who the damage was caused by an abnormal use or is a defect.

On the other hand there is the commercial guarantee, which the seller voluntarily gives us and in which they commit to give an additional support to the legal guarantee. For example, you can be the simple action of returning the money in a month if you are not happy with the purchase and without alleging any reason or, the recent case of the Phone House chain, which have extended the warranty to 3 years . In either case, to make the guarantees effective, it is necessary to keep the ticket / purchase invoice .

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It is also important to know what guarantee we have when it comes to second-hand smartphones . In this case, the term of "protection" varies depending on who has sold us the terminal. If you are a online vivo service center for smartphone in whitefield professional seller, the guarantee of second-hand phones will be 1 year, while if it is a private one, it is reduced up to 6 months.

What happens if I buy in a store in the india?

It is quite normal and common nowadays, with the facilities that we have, to make purchases through Internet . The online vivo Mobile phone repair stores are innumerable and they serve us many times to save us a few rupees or, if we are lucky, get a good bargain.

In that case, we must know that there is also a 2-year legal guarantee for purchases in the EU, at least, as set out in the indian Directive 1999/44 / EC . In addition, if you have problems and need to make a claim to a foreign trade, there is a network of indian Consumer Centers specialized in these issues of cross-border claims.

You have all the information on its website , but among its services are the advice and information in any claim process of a purchase and, if necessary, intervene as mediators giving linguistic and technical assistance.

Chinese stores: risk in exchange for juicy prices

We reach sandy terrain. The online stores on the other side of the planet , with scandalous prices, tempt us a lot. Shops "Chinese" there are many, with more or less positive comments, and in them we can find many electronic items at reduced prices, amounts for which in india we would not have a similar terminal.

Another reason to buy in online stores abroad is to import smartphones that are not available in our country or, at least, not through an official channel of the manufacturer (see for example the case of Xiaomi ).

If everything goes well, perfect, but if a problem occurs, we will have a nice headache. Most online stores where we can import smartphones offer us a one year warranty, at least in theory.

In practice, if we have a problem, we remain in the hands of the "Chinese" question. The normal thing is that they ask us to send the phone back to China and, if it has been a short time, return the money or repair it, but this is a pretty entertaining adventure as I already told in my experience when returning a broken smartphone purchased on mobile phone center .

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Thus, the shipment will run safely at your charge - beware of batteries and customs, a dangerous combo -, the repair depending on what you will have to negotiate with the seller and, hopefully we will have the terminal back home. If everything goes well, the month or month and a half - at least - nobody takes it from us and obviously this is almost unfeasible for a person who only has a telephone.

It is for this reason that you have to think twice before making a major purchase to an online trade to China, surely the price is favorable, but things can go wrong and as they say, cheap in the end it is expensive.

On the other hand we already find Chinese stores that have opened  stores in india , this shortens the time, but still we do not make sure to have a Authorized vivo smartphone repair in whitefield technical service here. For that, the website of the store must clearly indicate that they have a repair guarantee in bangalore.

We have some cases, which have technical services in bangalore and are committed not to send damaged smartphones back to China. The problem? These "luxuries" that do not have other Chinese stores have a cost and this translates directly into a higher price at the time of purchase. Guarantee or bargain, both together, is complicated.

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Compilation of after sales services - technicians

I hope you never need it, but if the time comes when you have to use a technical service or process a guarantee , here is a list of addresses, websites, phones and more resources you can use to solve your problem.

In most cases, the stores, when they do not have their own Authorized vivo service center in whitefield, act as intermediaries between the official workshops of the brands and the end user.


Similarly, there are many who acquire smartphones and tablets through operator stores . If they suffer a breakdown we can also resort to their stores and they can mediate between us and the Repairtech mobile services. Of course, again, it is very important to keep the tickets or purchase invoices.

To finish the article, I would also ask you to use the comments area to share your experiences with this topic, sure it will be useful for other users who are in the same situation. Have you had to use the guarantee of your smartphone? How was the whole process ?.