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Damage to device caused by liquid not covered by the warranty

Damage to device caused by liquid not covered by the warranty

Know what damages caused by liquids cancel the warranty of your phone, tablet or other mobile device. Includes images and examples.


See damage caused by liquids not covered by the warranty

Before starting
Understanding Warranty Replacement Guidelines
If your device shows no signs of damage caused by liquids described below, nor of material damage described in material damage not covered by the warranty , you may be eligible for a replacement device. Go ahead and make a warranty change to get more information about warranty coverage.

Review these exceptions
Some manufacturers may change or repair your device at no cost. For example:
Repairtech mobile service center offers a warranty for 3 years after the date of purchase. The Nokia warranty covers physical, mechanical and liquid damage (for example, screen breaks).
If you have had your Nokia mobile for 0 and 12 months, contact us to receive diagnosis and problem solving and help with the warranty.
If you've had your Nokia mobile for between 13 and 36 months, contact Authorized Nokia service center in Btm layout for help online with the warranty or call Mobile service center at 9148800397 .

Examples of damages

Except in the limited cases mentioned above, damage caused by liquids is not covered by the manufacturer's warranty. If you return a device with an indicator of damage caused by liquids activated, lost or damaged, you will be charged the full sale price of the replacement device and we will refund your damaged device.

Indicator color of damage by liquids

  • Damage indicators produced by liquids (not exposed to liquids) are usually white.
  • Most indicators of damage caused by liquids turn red when exposed to liquids.

Location of the indicator of damage caused by liquids
The indicator of damage by liquids of a device is usually found:

  • On the back of the device without the back cover.
  • Inside the battery compartment (without the battery).
  • On the SIM tray or headphone jack or inside the camera flash (for devices with non-removable batteries).
  • Some devices may have a secondary damage indicator on the battery itself.
  • If the liquid damage indicator (IDL) is removed, the warranty is voided.

Example photos of liquid damage indicators
See these examples of indicators of damage caused by liquids on mobile devices.

AT & T does not support the exchange of warranties for Apple products. Apple Help: iPhones or iPodos warranty does not cover damage caused by liquids .Visit Authorized Apple service center in Btm layout.


  • HTC One M8 : the indicator liquid damage is within the flash of the camera: 
  • HTC One X + : the liquid damage indicator is in the SIM tray.

Indicator colors for damage caused by liquids: white means no damage, while red indicates damage caused by liquids (not covered by the warranty).

  • LG G2 : the liquid damage indicator is on the SIM card (remove the SIM card to see it).
  • LG G Flex (D950) : The liquid damage indicator is inside the headphone jack.

Colors indicators of damage caused by liquids: white means no damage, while red indicates damage caused by liquids (not covered by the warranty).

  • Nokia Lumia 635 : remove the battery to see the indicator of damage by liquids.
  • Nokia Lumia 635 : there is also an indicator of damage by liquids in the battery.
  • Nokia Lumia 1020 : the liquid damage indicator is in the SIM tray.

Colors indicators of damage caused by liquids: white means no damage, while red indicates damage caused by liquids (not covered by the warranty).

  • Samsung Galaxy S 3 : indicator of damage by liquids only.
  • Samsung Galaxy S 5 : double liquid damage indicator.
  • Samsung battery : there is also a liquid damage indicator on the battery.

Indicator colors for damage caused by liquids: white means no damage, while red indicates damage caused by liquids (not covered by the guarantee).

  • AT & T Z992 : indicator of damage by liquids.
  • AT & T Z992 : There is also a liquid damage indicator on the battery.
  • ZTE Z432 : indicator of damage by liquids.
  • ZTE Z432 : indicator of damage by liquid in the battery.

Replace device
If your device is covered by the warranty, see change device under warranty .

If your device is not covered by the warranty due to material damage or caused by liquids, here are some options to replace your damaged device:
Submit an insurance claim (requires protection for AT & T devices ).
Change phone or device now .
Exchange or recycle mobile phones you do not want .