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How to increase the Nokia 3 battery life of a smartphone

How to increase the Nokia 3 battery life of a smartphone

If they are more efficient, our smartphones suffer from an evil that has not improved with the years: lack of autonomy. They operate under iOS, Android, Windows Phone or Nokia OS, they tend to discharge quickly, some even needing to be recharged several times a day. Repairtech reveals some tricks to improve the autonomy of your Nokia 3 smartphone.

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Reduce the brightness of the screen

Start with the brightness of the screen to save battery life on your smartphone. More your display is bright, the more he consumes current. To do this, make you in the display settings, to play on the brightness level, and thus to find the right balance between ease of use and management autonomy.

Close active applications regularly

Some applications work continuously, even if you are not currently using them. Facebook, Twitter or weather applications for example, are updated automatically in the background and therefore consume energy. We recommend you to check what are the applications running in the background to turn them off.

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Cut unnecessary connections

Some connections may be useful from time to time, but do not necessarily need to be active all the time. These include 4G, Wi - Fi, Bluetooth, or NFC for example. Very practical for surfing the Internet or Exchange data with compatible devices nearby, they are indeed deemed to be inefficient. Be sure to cut them when you do not need.

Avoid to activate the buzzer and the haptic back

It's convenient and discreet, the vibrator is also a large consumer of battery. Prefer him a ring tone at low volume, if you have the opportunity. In the same register, avoid the haptic feedback, that vibrate the device when you touch the screen.

Disable unnecessary widgets

Often very practical, widgets are also to avoid if you want to optimize the battery life of your smartphone. They work for most also in the background, causing energy consumption not necessarily necessary.

The "energy saving" mode

Note:Nokia battery replacement service center.

Some devices have a mode disabling features the most energy efficient, which can be very handy when there is a lot of autonomy. These "energy saving" modes in general cut 4G and Wi - Fi connections and disable all notifications.

Turn off notifications

From social networks, news sites, games or even different messaging systems you have installed on your smartphone, notifications can be very practices, but also energy-intensive. We recommend you to keep only those that you are essential. To turn off notifications for a particular application, simply go to the settings of the, and uncheck the box related to notifications.

Set the sleep of your smartphone

The screen display is one of the main sources of consumption, one of the most effective ways to improve the autonomy of its smartphone is to set a short interval for the automatic standby.

Avoid the wallpapers

A live wallpaper, it can be very beautiful, but it takes a lot of resources to your processor, as well as the graphical part of the components of your smartphone. Turn it off and you'll earn valuable minutes / hours of battery life. In addition, if you have an AMOLED screen, avoid white or clear wallpapers. This technology consumes more when she displays clear tones.

Turn off geolocation

However, the GPS function, which is used by many applications, is really useful when you need to locate or trace a route. Advice: turn it on only when you need to.

Consult the applications that consume the most energy

This advice is especially for Android users. Google's mobile operating system indeed to track which applications are the most energy-intensive. A good way to know what are the features that make you lose autonomy.

Avoid overheating

Everything is heated the smartphone is bad for its autonomy. The heat will have a detrimental effect on autonomy in the short term, but also over the life of your battery. So avoid leaving your smartphone in the Sun.

Manage reload frequencies depending on the type of battery

Load instructions recommended on smartphones have changed over the years. Indeed, they recommended a few years to let the battery run down completely before recharging, but they were adapted to nickel-cadmium batteries. Most of the marketed smartphones currently are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which instead better support the frequent refills. With the recent smartphones, it is preferable to recharge as soon as you get the chance.

Turn on airplane Mode

A simple, radical way to increase the autonomy of its smartphone. This will have for consequence to cut cellular connections and Wi - Fi on your device. But as your smartphone is designed to serve you to communicate, its application is still limited in time.

Add an external battery

Be aware that there are in the trade of the external batteries, it is possible to connect to its smartphone. Whether you are looking to recharge his camera occasionally or to feed several at the same time, external battery types are many and varied, you so are bound to find the one that is suited to your case.

Change the battery of your smartphone

You have tried everything but still very quickly discharge the battery of your smartphone? There is only one solution: to change. But if some devices have a removable battery, this isn't the case for all. If you are unable to access the battery of your smartphone, so you will have to disassemble the appliance or to remove by a specialist. But be careful, because this procedure may void the warranty of your device. So be sure to weigh the pros and cons before starting such an approach.

If you have questions about the autonomy of your Nokia 3 , feel free to ask in the comments or to visit our website:

Note :Repairtech offers you the Nokia mobile repair service and settled as best service center.

please contact +919343343359 for free pickup and drop facility.