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Mobile phone Water damage Nokia service center

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Already entered deep into the summer we all go like zombies during the day craving a pool or a beach where we drop. Maybe the same will happen to our mobiles , although the time of year has no importance for them. They may occasionally go for a dip, and decide to do it in the toilet bowl, or in the kitchen sink.

He gives us a mini-heart attack and we run to save him, because he obviously can not swim. But what to do at that moment to revive him? Have we saved him still alive, or is there nothing to do? Today we are going to solve these doubts and give you the certainty of what works and what does not in that moment of panic. Our little gem can still survive if you are facing a problems visit service center Repairtech mobile service center.


Surely intuition tells to authorized nokia service center in marathahalli​, but for the clueless, this step is the most important in absolute terms. Water spoils the phones when it touches two connections that should not be touched at the same time, which is called a lifetime short circuit. The problem with mobile phones is that they have hundreds of connections on a very small surface, and therefore it is very easy for this to happen if water enters. The solution is simple, if no current flows, there is no short circuit.

Therefore, if our phone gets wet, we must remove the battery in the minimum time possible to cut the current as quickly as possible. This way maybe we manage to do it before the water reaches a critical place, and therefore save an android life. Forget everything, do not look if it works or anything, the battery was in record time.

Extract the water

This is what everyone tries to do before the accident. And authorized nokia service center in Whitefield want to emphasize that the battery is infinitely more important.To dry the water is much more complex and delayed than to remove the battery, and that is why if we dedicate ourselves to dry the water probably when we have achieved it already too late. Now, if we have already removed the battery we can devote ourselves to dry the mobile , although there is no hurry.

For this there are many methods, most valid but some more recommendable than others. Initially we want to dry most of the water, either with a rag or by emptying it in a bag. A less indicated method is the dryer (which ironically is what all are thrown at). It is less indicated because the dryer brings heat to the circuits, which is also negative and can melt some delicate component. If we opt for the dryer, it must be done at least 20cm away.

Finally, once we have dried most of the water we must extract the residual moisture equally dangerous. For this comes into play the famous but true myth of rice. The rice has the curious property of absorbing moisture, and we will take advantage of that property leaving the mobile wrapped in rice in a bowl for about 24 hours.Better to leave it without a lid and as disassembled as possible to facilitate the maximum water output.

Other tricks and tips

To finish some extra information on the case. I also did not know that there is a water damage sensor inside our mobiles. This sensor is checked when we send it to repair to the technical service, so that we can not strain the water damage in the guarantee. This sensor is sometimes visible in the area of ​​the battery, a white area that turns red when wet. If we detect that it is red, know that it will not help to send it to repair "legally". If it is white we can try it.

Another important thing is that if our accident is in salt water it will be much more serious than in sweet , and in that case we should remove the battery just as fast, but then we will have to bathe it in fresh water . We will fight the water with more water, but the salt greatly increases the danger index, so we must complicate ourselves by adding fresh water to eliminate the salt. Later we will continue with the described steps to eliminate the fresh water.

Finally I will mention a last trick to the desperate, but sincerely do not justify anything about its veracity or usefulness. When nothing works, some say to put the phone 20 minutes in the freezer. The only thing that occurs to me is that it serves to solidify the water and thus make it move and not be so dangerous. But as I say, I can not guarantee anything about the usefulness of this method, and if it is necessary to use it, it should only be a last resort before using the brick mobile.