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Have you ever considered how to repair the mobile screen? If we go to specialized Mobile phone service center we can get more expensive from the account.

Have you ever suffered a heart attack when your smartphone slipped out of your hands? It's a very common reaction, and it has a simple explanation. One of the most expensive elements of the smartphone is the screen, and in the same way, one of those that break easily.

Because of that, those moments between the fall and the discovery of the truth become tense. Sometimes the thing is in a fright, while in other cases the screen can be damaged to the point of being unusable.

That the screen of our phone is broken is a drama that gets worse when they give us the repair budget. If we take our phone to the official Nokia Mobile phone service center in Btm layout the mobile screen can leave between 1500 and 3000rps (although on average there are usually about 130). Why is it so expensive to repair the mobile screen?

The screen is attached to the glass and that supposes an extra cost

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If we investigate between the elements that have a smartphone, the screen is one of the most expensive components of the device, this being one of the main reasons why the repair price ends up exceeding.

On the other hand, in screen repairs it is not always the screen that is damaged, but the glass that protects it. The problem that we have when it comes to repairing the screen is that the glass is stuck to the screen , so if one of the two is broken, you have to change the set, in the same way that when the processor is damaged you have to change the entire plate.

To the cost of repairing the screen of the mobile it is necessary to add the technical service

The screen and the glass are one of the most expensive sets of repairing of our smartphone, but they do not represent the total cost of the repair . In addition to the screen, you have to pay the online Mobile phone service center in Marathahalli for skilled labor. These workers are not only responsible for changing the screen, but to carry out the corresponding tests that everything is in order.

If our phone has a special seal that protects you from water, you should make sure that when leaving the SAT, the phone is still sealed so that no water drops, while if they are difficult to repair, the process will require special tools , which of course will raise the cost.

An interesting alternative is to opt for unofficial technical services. They are cheaper, but we will not always have the guarantee that they perform the repair with the same quality as a specialized Authorized Nokia mobile service center in Marathahalli, so it is only advisable if we know first hand that the technical service is reliable.

The phones are increasingly difficult to repair, and it's something that raises the price
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Manufacturers are increasingly making phones that are increasingly difficult to repair, and this is a fact. Manufacturers create designs with structures that once assembled, are almost impossible to dismantle by amateur hands.

This may be due to design causes, which seek greater protection against water and dust or simply to optimize the internal space. Whatever the causes, the consequence is that the repair is increasingly expensive and complicated , which reduces the likelihood that a technician or ourselves can repair it.

Our tips for repairing your mobile screen on your own

Still, not all phones are impossible to repair, and although we have the bad fortune that the screen of our phone to pass to a better life, we can always resort to repair on our own.

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Repairing a phone is easy, and if we know how to disassemble it and we are careful, anyone can do it. On the Internet we can find websites like Nokia mobile service center where they teach us to repair our phone with very detailed guides.

Before evaluating if it is worthwhile, it is important to see if our phone is difficult to fix and what tools are necessary. Do not be stubborn , if you're not a handyman and the guides say that your phone is difficult to repair, go to a technician.

On the other hand, at the cost of repairing the screen we have to add the cost of the necessary tools that we do not have or can not lend us. Do not make the remedy more expensive than the disease.

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After evaluating if it is worth fixing the screen, it is time to buy the screen with which we will replace the fault. If we search online, we will find several screens, and all of them at very different prices. All the screens that are marked for your phone will be valid for your phone, but the following details must be taken into account:

  • If the screen is too cheap, suspect. Nobody gives hard to four pesetas, and although the screen is functional, the quality of the panel can be lower or have a less resistant glass . The final decision is yours, and that the panel is of lower quality sometimes makes up for the savings.
  • Review the opinions of the product before making the purchase, since some glasses cover the proximity sensor.
  • If the screen is not damaged, you can only buy the crystal . The repair is much cheaper, but removing the damaged glass is very complicated and can break the screen, so it is not recommended.
  • Keep in mind the times. If we buy our screen from india it may take several weeks to arrive . If we need the phone urgently and we do not have a replacement, it's better to pay more to have a quick repair.
Make the assembly

Once we have all the pieces, it will touch to disassemble the phone to replace the pieces. Generally, most components reside on the screen, so to get to change it is necessary to dismantle the phone almost completely .

Our advice when it comes to repair is to have a large table with enough space to have the components well separated and differentiated . If you do not know what each thing is, you can place them on a piece of paper and write on it which component is which.

Remember also to perform the detailed steps in a very strict order, and to eliminate static electricity from our hands before proceeding (this can be done by touching a metal piece with both hands).