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My mobile microphone does not work. What's wrong?

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When the microphone of our smartphone does not work properly, it is very easy to detect in Repairtech service center:

  1.  Or during a call the interlocutor does not hear us or the sound arrives with interference or with very little volume.
  2. When we try to record a voice note or a video, no sound is heard or it is not clear.

There are several reasons why the microphone of the mobile can be damaged.

Reasons why the microphone of a mobile phone fails 1. Software failure

Another reason why a microphone can break down is a Software failure. In this case the first option will be to restore the factory device , that is, "format it".

Before doing this it is important to make a backup of the mobile phone so as not to lose any important data.

Each mobile has a way of resetting itself, so we should look for how to do it in each model. If once restored, the failure persists, it may be necessary to rule out the software failure and think that the reason for the failure is the piece "hardware".

2. Dirt

The main reason is dirt. The phone's microphone has a series of tiny slots where dust and dirt can easily be squeezed out .

Many people make the mistake of inserting a pin or sharp object through the slot.

This is a big mistake because we can drag the dirt to the bottom and plug the hole even more. It is similar to the cleaning of the ears with the rods, something that doctors advise against.

If we suspect that the microphone slots are dirty, we must disassemble the terminal and clean the part correctly.

The best thing is to take it to a technical service, since the dismantling of a mobile phone and reaching the microphone is a rather complex task that requires specific tools and certain knowledge about the anatomy of a smartphone.

He thinks that cleaning the microphone slot is very economical and that if we risk doing it ourselves it can be very expensive if we damage any important piece or even if we leave the phone "irreparable".

3. Damaged or damaged part (Strike, own use of the mobile, etc.)

The parts of the mobiles, like those of any device, are deteriorating little by little with use. In addition, if over time the phone has been dropped or hit several times , the risk of damage to the parts increases.

In this case, the damaged part must be replaced and replaced with a new one. Make sure that the replacement part is original from the manufacturer, because they give much less problems in the long run. The part replacement should always be done by a Online motorola service center in Whitefield professional.

4. Failed by water

For a mobile to be damaged by water, it is not necessary that it be submerged in a pool or a fountain. It is enough with the mobile to stay in a place with high humidity, for example in the bathroom while we shower. Even if we exercise with the mobile and sweat a lot, the sweat itself can damage the mobile.

The micro may have corroded by being in contact with moisture. As in the interior section, you must change the part completely for a new and original.

I hope this Motorola service center in Whitefield helps you understand what happens to your micro in case it does not work. A greeting!